Are you?…

  • A Midlifer shifting from success to significance and looking to expand possibilities for your second half of life?
  • A Mother whose kids have launched (or about to) and ready to step into your next chapter?
  • Feeling under-utilized and considering a job transition?
  • An Entrepreneur ready to launch a new idea or business?
  • Wanting more money, purpose, passion, joy, love, peace of mind (or all of these things)?

I’ve been through a lot of change in my life including career, divorce, loss (mother, brother and sister in one year). By using the tools I’ve learned to navigate tough times, I remain positive and constant in how I move through life’s ups and downs. I can teach you to do the same.

I see you. Hey, I’m Leslie Bartlett, and I know all about what you’re going through. In case we’ve never met before, let me tell you a little bit about me…

I’m a lifelong student in the area of self development. I’m dedicated to my growth and love to help others who want to discover and create more in their lives. I’m a Certified Professional Life Coach with a Masters in Spiritual Psychology. I’ve coached hundreds of people, led several group coaching programs and women’s wellness retreats over the past 15 years.

I am heart-centered, supportive, encouraging, creative, intuitive, wise, and results oriented.

I started Allegria Coaching because nothing makes me feel more on purpose than guiding others to create and get what they want. This is where I am most passionate. I love seeing the results my clients create. I believe we are never given a dream or desire without the ability to fulfill it. One of my favorite quotes is:

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.  – Anais Nin

Have you blossomed? What is next?

I believe that everyone is here for a reason. Some don’t live up to their full potential. But they know it’s there. They just need help excavating their gifts and executing a plan to bring them forward. The world deserves your best self. All of you and what you have to offer. Working with me will help you discover what your potential is and set you on a path to share live it.

Now, I’ve helped hundreds of coaching clients create purposeful careers, deeper relationships, and launch ideas that they’re proud of, without all the typical B.S. angst that comes along with navigating change and transition.

I have a heart centered, safe, positive way to help people discover and get what they want. I don’t give advice, I ask the right questions to draw out their own best answers. I have a strong ability through the way I am ‘being’ to create a container to hold my clients in a space of deep possibility to identify who they are and how they will bring their unique gifts to the world. I hold my clients accountable to results.

So if you’re ready to up-level your life personally or professionally, create more impact, experience a transition and/or have a strong desire to reinvent some part of your life in a way that’s powerful, exciting, and fun, let’s talk.