Allegria’s mission is to bring personal and professional coaching, group programs, and retreats to those who are looking to create more purpose and passion in their life.

Allegria’s mission is to bring personal and professional coaching, group programs, and retreats to those who are looking to create more purpose and passion in their life.

Tired of the status quo? Fear or doubt around change? Feeling unfulfilled?

You’re in the right place. I’m Leslie Bartlett, and I’m here to help you discover and create what you want in work and life, launch a new idea, reinvent yourself in a time of big change, so you can live the life you know you want and deserve. I believe that when we are living with purpose, joy, passion and peace of mind, we are sharing our unique gifts, making a greater impact and the world is a better place.

Work With Me

Destination Retreats

I’m Leslie.

& I’m here to help you discover your unique strengths and values to fulfill your purpose, full expression, freedom, and peace of mind.

Are you looking to reinvent yourself? Launching a new idea? Already going through a transition and need support to navigate and create your next thing without fear and doubt? Do you want more money, love, adventure, passion, joy and/or meaning in your life?

Let’s get to know each other better.

Connect with me on Facebook to stay updated on new programs, inspirational messages, and powerful tools to create more joy and meaning in your life. Join our amazing community here!

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